Friday, July 2, 2010

We Made it!!

Wow! sorry it has been so long since we wrote a post. After multiple long flights, we finally made it to Kenya! It was a pretty smooth process with only one slight complication with our boarding tickets, but that was easily fixed. Customs and immigration was a breeze, praise the Lord, and all of our bags made it! Kyle and Vanessa, the couple that we are staying with, picked us up last night around 10:30 p.m- 3:30 p.m. in Tulsa Time. We stayed in Nairobi last night and we made it to the house just in time to see the end of the Uruguay vs. Ghana soccer game, so that was exciting...except that Ghana lost :( This morning we went grocery shopping, which was an experience, at a very nice mall. Since Kapsowar is about 6 hours from Nairobi, Kyle and Vanessa do as much shopping while in town as they can.

We tried to make it to the mission base before sunset so that we could see the scenery, but we didn't quite make it. I've been told that Kapsowar is the most beautiful place in all of Africa, so I'll have to see tomorrow. We are so excited to see the beautiful Kenyan landscape! We want to post some pictures, but the internet may be too slow to do it. We'll have to see what we can do. We were a little worried about missing the world cup, but apparently they have been watching it in the nursing school every night, so maybe we'll get to see it. :)

Kyle and Vanessa are so wonderful and their three little boys are absolutely precious! Tonight we pulled out all of the gifts that people sent with us for them. The boys played with their new toys for so long and Kyle was especially excited about the candy. :) Tomorrow we're going to church and then a 4th of July party, with barbeque and all.

Thank you all, again, for your support- We're sure our travelling here would have been much more complicated without your prayers!


  1. Glad to hear you made it....I'll be praying for you girls. Please tell Kyle & Vanessa hey for me and tell my Huddy Buddy that I miss him. Can't wait to hear more about your trip...Love you both!
