Monday, June 28, 2010

Almost Ready!

Hey everybody!!

Two days until our trip to Kenya and we are so excited :) July 1 is the official date! We received our visas yesterday so we are all set! Emily already has two sessions arranged where she will be teaching the nurses about health care and certain procedures. I will be helping out in any way I can, whether it be homeschooling the kids, working in a local school, or aiding with any part of the hospital that needs help. We will be traveling through Chicago, Brussels, Entebbe (Uganda), Nairobi, then an eight hour drive to Kapsowar in the mountains- Please remember that prayer is an essential part of this trip for protection with travel, wisdom with how to handle situations, and insight with how to minister to the people of Kenya as well as the other missionaries on the compound. Thank you all so much for your support, I know that God has some amazing things planned. Keep checking for updates on our trip!!
