Wednesday, July 7, 2010


It's mid-week here and we having been having a blast. Monday Emily went with Kyle to the hospital to be his personal nurse. There is a nursing school here so there are nursing students who are also in the hospital and Emily got to teach some how to do vitals. I stayed home with the kids, watching them while Vanessa got to get some stuff done that she hadn't been able to in a while. Later that day I homeschooled the oldest, Hudson, teaching him all about memorization, shapes, and what the ocean is like :) That night we had a movie night; we watched a pirated version of Prince of Persia with some other missionaries on the compound.
Yesterday we both went to the hospital. Emily helped out in the Children's Ward while I was in Maternity. I followed the OBGYN, observing procedures, baby deliveries, and an emergency C-section. The people here are so nice and accepting of anyone and it was fun to see how the hospital works. I was also able to ask as many questions as i wanted, which helped me learn a lot. Emily had a productive day with pediatrics, taking vitals and any other such work that Kyle needed help with. She is a big help with the other nurses or nursing students, being able to teach them important procedures, techniques, and vocabulary. Later that night after the kids went to bed, we all played a game of Settlers, but half way through the game a knock came on the kitchen window and a voice that sounded like a kid's saying that she needed to see a Daktari (doctor). Apparently, a psych patient had left the hospital and found the house, wanting Kyle to perform an operation in her abdomen. This was the same lady that was giving the doctors a hard time earlier in the day. Finally, after letting her say hi to all of us, Kyle was able to get her back to the hospital and give her medication. Security guards had to hold her down and Kyle tried to convince her that he would do surgery on her. So that was a fun story that was decided was "blog worthy!"
Emily got to scrub in and assist with a C-section early this morning at 1:00 a.m! Kyle was on call and called her to help out. Today we both went to the hospital and I observed as Emily and Kyle did rounds in the pediatrics ward. It's sad to see all the sick children, but good to know they are in great hands. This afternoon I will homeschool Hudson again and tonight we are going to the nursing school to watch Germany play Spain in the World Cup with all the nursing students!
This weekend we will be traveling about five hours to do a medical clinic for the Pokot people. They live in the valley and don't have access to good health care. We will be spending the night and attending the church the next day before coming back. We're not sure what kind of accomodations we will have- probably a tent or on the floor of the pastor's house. So please keep that trip in your prayers. We are having a great time, thank you all for your support! --we might not be able to post pictures because it takes too long to upload them with the internet here, but we will try to do a slide show or something when we get back :)


1 comment:

  1. Awesome report, glad you are doing great. Mom and I are very proud of you!
